Due to demand, Queen Margaret University is running this course again in Autumn 2024. It will offer a thorough introduction to dramatherapy processes, either for your own development or as a lead-in to the new MSc training.
The course will be of interest and benefit to all those interested in the arts and those working in theatre, health, social care and education. Completion of the course will provide students with a good general introduction to Dramatherapy and a foundation on which to progress to further accredited training. Dramatherapy is an established profession regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council, and Dramatherapists who complete a master’s level training practise under a protected title. Treatment settings include psychiatry, adult and child psychotherapy, physical and learning disability services, forensic and other custodial settings, special and mainstream education, services for the elderly, palliative care and private practice.
Dramatherapy offers an active, creative and playful approach to encountering and exploring life experiences. It is concerned with the ways in which the psychotherapeutic application of creative techniques can contribute to beneficial psychological change.
The Introduction to Dramatherapy Short Course will introduce students to the practice of dramatherapy through experiential learning and specialist presentations. The course will cover some of the history and development of dramatherapy and introduce students to some of the key theories informing current practice, while focusing predominantly on workshop-based group processes, which reflects the style of learning on a full training programme. A reading list will be provided.
This course will run entirely dependent upon required number of students.
Experiential workshops will offer students the opportunity to encounter the various processes themselves in a group setting, sharing experiences whilst exploring key themes pertinent to dramatherapy practice. This is a non-qualifying course and does not allow persons to practice as a ‘Dramatherapist’ or use this legally protected title.
Duration: Over four weekends 12-13 October 2024 / 7-8 December 2024 / 1-2 February 2025 / 15-16 March 2025.
Location/Attendance: At QMU Campus, Musselburgh. All weekends run 10am-5pm Delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Fees: 2024 entry is £965 (£693 concession unemployed/student status)
Application process: Applications should be made via their online application form.
For further information, please contact lpalmer@qmu.ac.uk or visit https://www.qmu.ac.uk/study-here/continuing-professional-development-cpd-courses/cpd-courses-folder/introduction-to-dramatherapy-short-course/.