Wed 26 Mar 2025: 1:00PM
University of Edinburgh

Future-Proofing Creative Skills for Responsible AI

Venue: Edinburgh Futures Institute, The University of Edinburgh, 1 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9EF
Prices: Free

This series of workshops is aimed at identifying and discussing the new and future-proof skills, and related training opportunities, needed by creatives in the current technological landscape.

What challenges are creatives facing in adopting AI tools? What skills will creatives need to thrive in an AI-integrated workplace? How can we prepare for and shape these futures? How might education and training programs evolve to support creative collaboration with AI?

This interactive workshop series is aimed at identifying and discussing which future-proof skills, and related training opportunities, are needed by creatives in the current technological landscape.

All the sessions in the series will have a similar structure, with each session being tailored to creatives at different stages of their careers:

26 March 2025: Freelancers
2 April 2025: Students and early career practitioners
9 April 2025: In-house professionals (including those working in creative agencies, studios, and teams)
16 April 2025: Creative managers and leaders

These workshops are part of the programme of activities of the project “CREA-TEC: Cultivating Responsible Engagement with AI Technology to Empower Creatives”, led by Dr. Caterina Moruzzi, University of Edinburgh, in collaboration with Adobe, and aimed at promoting the responsible integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence tools in creative practices. The project is supported by the Bridging Responsible AI Divides (BRAID) programme with funds from the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/X007146/1]. These workshops are conducted in collaboration with the Innovation Services team at Edinburgh Futures Institute and delivered as part of Edinburgh Futures Institute’s Spring 2025 events programme.

Learn more about the CREA-TEC project here:

Additional Information
Please note that participants will be assigned to a session based on answers given to questions provided during the registration stage. When selecting a ticket, please select your preferred date. Every care will be taken to assign you to your preferred session you have indicated and aligning with your career stage and interests.

Participants may only attend one session. You will receive communication of the session you have been assigned to in due course along with additional information about the workshop. Any questions can be sent to Caterina Moruzzi:

For further information, please contact or visit

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