Our Mission

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We are Scotland’s development organisation for youth theatre

We help make the lives of young people better through youth theatre. 

We support, connect, and inspire youth theatre participants across Scotland and the adults who work with them.

Our vision is for there to be universal access to quality youth theatre activity across Scotland, and for there to be universal recognition of its transformative impact. 


We support the needs of a national community

Our sector mapping indicates there are now over 300 youth theatre groups and 1,500 leaders across Scotland engaging over 15,000 young people every week. 

100 of these groups and professionals have registered with us as ‘YTAS Members’. They are the backbone of the sector, engaging the majority of recorded participants and staff across the country. 

YTAS works with and for our members as well as supporting the wider sector’s support and development needs. 

The issues currently impacting Scotland’s youth theatre participants, groups and leaders are:

  • Many young people still can’t access the benefits of youth theatre, with a historic reduction of local authority funded groups.
  • Most youth theatre organisations are under-resourced.
  • Investment is needed to improve the training and conditions of delivery staff.
  • There is a lack of awareness of youth theatre’s impact.
YTAS responds and seeks to address these issues by committing to the following strategic aims, activities and outcomes:

Our Strategic Aims

A thriving network of youth theatres across Scotland
A confident and skilled youth theatre workforce
The impact of youth theatre on young people’s wellbeing, creativity and community is understood and supported

Our Activities

Sector Support

Strengthening the resilience and impact of youth groups across the country as well as providing accessible information for stakeholders and the public.

Sector Development

Providing events and training which ensure the ongoing improvement of Scotland’s youth theatre community, artform and workforce.

The Sector’s Intermediary

Researching and representing the needs and impact of Scotland’s youth theatre sector.

Our Impact

3,000 young people, professionals and volunteers attend our events and activities

13,000 young people benefit from the training and support we provide their leaders

20,000 users access our online resources and communications

Our work delivers the following Outcomes

Scotland’s youth theatre participants and leaders gain: 

creative, transferable and leadership skills

Scotland’s youth theatre participants and leaders gain: 


Scotland’s youth theatre participants and leaders gain: 

knowledge and motivation

Scotland’s young people gain:

outcomes in life

Scotland’s young people gain:

access to more and better-quality youth theatre opportunities

Scotland’s youth theatres feel:

better supported

Scotland’s citizens gain:

increased knowledge and awareness of the benefits of youth theatre

We're on hand to help

Did you know that the YTAS team responds to around 100 requests each year for bespoke advice, support, or collaboration? These come from a wide variety of YTAS members, non-member drama groups, and youth arts and education stakeholders. Common queries include…

  • Help setting up a new youth theatre group or project to address identified local issues
  • Help promoting their events, training, opportunities, or resources
  • Help creating new company policies or improving their business practices
  • Specific queries related to concerns around funding, child protection, risk assessment, or Equalities, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
  • Requests for input into sector development research or consultation
  • Requests for assistance with international contacts or funding.

If you need help with these types of queries, or anything else, contact info@ytas.org.uk and we’ll make sure the right person gets back to you as soon as possible.

Annual Reports and Accounts

Here you can find our annual reports and accounts from years gone by, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.







And if you’d like a walk back in time, here are our older ones: 2018201720162015 and 2014.


If you’d like to know more about YTAS and our memberships, please contact our team


Our members are located throughout Scotland and together they are responsible for the majority of youth theatre activity delivered across the country

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Together we can ensure a strong future for theatre and the performing arts in Scotland for the next generation and beyond

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