YTAS has five core values that guide how we run our company and our activities. These values define who we are and how we operate.
We consider a youth theatre to be any group or organisation which engages young people, up to age 25, as active participants in theatre arts where their participation is central to the creative process.
We believe youth theatre is an ideal medium to encourage and explore the dreams and visions of young people, and to nurture their self-confidence.
Our aim is for all youth theatre activity in Scotland to aspire to the highest standards of practice, providing a safe, inclusive and rewarding experience for young people.
Youth theatre is a specialist artform and youth work practice. It focusses on young people’s creative, personal and social development through their voluntary involvement in performing arts. Youth theatre activities include creative workshops, training, productions, festivals and audience development.
Youth theatre differs from drama in schools because it is led by young people who play a central role in the creative process, rather than by teachers following a set curriculum.
Through their involvement in youth theatre, young theatre-makers build skills, confidence and connections. As they grow older, they seek new challenges, ideas and insight from their leaders and youth theatre becomes their valued community where they can be creative and empowered.
Youth work promotes values of inclusion, mutual respect, equality and the involvement of young people in decision-making. It is about building relationships based on trust and shared understanding, and using the strengths of these relationships to develop a person-centred approach to the development of young people.
We believe youth theatre is a specialist youth work approach and practice. That’s why we make sure that the principles and outcomes of youth work are central to what we do at YTAS and among our members.
Youth Work Principles
YouthLink Scotland outlines the three essential and definitive features of youth work:
Youth Work Outcomes
In collaboration with the youth work sector, YouthLink Scotland has formulated seven youth work outcomes:
If you’re interested in learning more about the National Youth Work Outcomes & Skills Framework and how to show the impacts of these outcomes in your work, please visit
YTAS is member of YouthLink Scotland (the collective voice of Scotland’s youth work sector) and their network of National Voluntary Youth Organisations of Scotland. For more information visit
The UK signed up to The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1991. This international human rights treaty outlines the rights every child deserves. In 2023, The Scottish Parliament passed the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill, which was granted Royal assent in January 2024. This means that most of its provisions will start being enforced from 16 July 2024.
When a Convention is incorporated into Scots law, it has more power to bring about change. This change often occurs through shifts in culture. Additionally, it gains strength because the law can be applied in Scottish courts. Children and young people in Scotland led the campaign for incorporation for more than a decade. They emphasised that enshrining their rights in law was an important demonstration of how Scotland values them.
YTAS is keen to play our role in supporting progress brought about by the UNCRC incorporation into Scots Law. While Article 31 of the UNCRC establishes a right to leisure and participation in cultural life and the arts, we concentrate on the wider and more comprehensive role that arts and culture can play in fulfilling the rights of children and young people.
We strongly believe that engaging in a quality experience of arts and culture is crucial for the wellbeing, development, and future success of children and young people. It also contributes significantly to achieving broader educational goals by:
Our research into the Long-Term Impact of Youth Theatre Participation confirms this belief. It identifies six significant impacts that youth theatre involvement can have over time:
YTAS integrates a commitment to Children and Young People’s Rights throughout our mission, aims, activities, and outcomes. To ensure we live up to our commitment and goals regarding Children and Young People’s Rights, we regularly evaluate, consult, and research within our sector.
You can find more information about the Rights of Children and Young People, including various useful guides and tools on this topic at:
The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland
Together (the Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)
YTAS is member of Together.
YTAS believes that children and young people should not experience abuse of any kind. We have a responsibility to promote and safeguard the welfare of all children and we are committed to practicing in a way that protects them from harm.
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures apply to all YTAS staff, including freelancers and volunteers, or anyone working on behalf of the charity. The full policy can be downloaded using the link above, with our pledge and key principles outlined below.
Age Definition of ‘children’
The UNCRC and Children and Young People (Scotland) Act (2014) define a child as being anyone under the age of 18 which is a definition YTAS also adopts for the purposes of this policy.
Our Principles
YTAS recognises the importance of encouraging children and young people to attend, enjoy and participate in the arts. Their protection should be a matter of concern for us all. We have a shared responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children and young people.
Our Child Protection Principles recognise that:
Our Safeguarding Pledge
This pledge is made to all children and young people YTAS engages.
All of us at YTAS promise to make sure that you have the best time possible while you are taking part in our activities. We all believe that you have a right to feel safe and comfortable while you are with us. We will do our very best to live up to the promises that we make to you.
We will:
Child Protection Officer
YTAS’s designated Child Protection Officer is CEO, Kenny McGlashan.
YTAS’s work involves developing relationships with people from a range of backgrounds and cultures. Working effectively with diversity and promoting equality of opportunity and inclusion is therefore an essential part of our work. We believe there is no equality of opportunity if diversity and inclusion is not recognised and valued.
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy and Action Plan lay out our specific roles and responsibilities concerning EDI. The Policy sets out our company objectives to:
Our EDI Action Plan
Our EDI Action Plan was established in 2015 and is aligned and embedded with our company’s Strategic Framework, which guides all our sector support, development, and intermediary activities. The YTAS staff team meets regularly to assess and update progress on our Action Plan.
Both our EDI Policy and Action Plan are shaped by our sector research and consultation. Through this process we have identified several challenges affecting Scotland’s youth theatre groups and leaders in advancing EDI priorities.
Our research reveals an inequality of opportunity for participation and advancement among youth theatre participants and leaders with protected characteristics. It also highlights that Scotland’s youth theatre groups and leaders currently lack the time, resources, knowledge, and skills needed to tackle EDI issues and priorities. Our Action Plan addresses these challenges and aims to resolve them through the following activities and outcomes.
Our EDI Activities
Our EDI Outcomes
To protect and amplify LGBTQIA+ voices in Scotland’s youth theatre community, in 2023 YTAS embarked on a journey towards ‘silver’ accreditation in LGBT Youth Scotland’s Charter programme. This programme enables organisations to proactively include LGBT people in every aspect of their work, protecting staff and providing a high-quality service to users.
YTAS fully supports LGBT Charter Rights, which aim to safeguard lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people’s human rights, and draw on international human rights and relevant UK and Scottish legislation.
YTAS strives to create and hold events and spaces where everyone feels welcome and the safety of others is valued. This commitment applies to all our online and in-person services, activities, and communication channels.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any behaviour which creates feelings of unease, discomfort, offence, embarrassment, humiliation, or intimidation, whether intentional or not. This includes but is not limited to; transphobia, homo or biphobia, racism, ableism, sexism, or class discrimination.
The Scottish Government’s Fair Work Policy defines ‘Fair Work’ as work that offers all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect. It balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers. It generates benefits for individuals, organisations and society.
YTAS is committed to applying Fair Work principles across our organisation and supporting employers in Scotland’s youth theatre sector to do the same.
Our Fair Work Commitment
Since 2016, YTAS has been an accredited Living Wage employer. This means that everyone working at YTAS, including permanent employees and third-party contractors and suppliers, receive a minimum hourly wage that reflects the cost of living.
We are also a PiPA (Parents and Carers in Performing Arts) Charter Partner, striving towards creating a more family friendly working environment. PiPA campaigns to enable and empower parents, carers and employers to achieve sustainable change in attitudes and practices in order to attract, support and retain a more diverse and flexible workforce. We are always happy to discuss solutions that allow people to balance their caring responsibilities with their working lives, for example through job shares or flexible working arrangements as appropriate.
Our Fair Work Action Plan
Our Fair Work Action Plan was established in 2024 and is aligned and embedded with our company’s Strategic Framework, which guides all our sector support, development, and intermediary activities. The YTAS staff team meets regularly to assess and update progress on our Action Plan.
Our Action Plan is shaped by the results of baseline assessments we have undertaken as a Fair Work Employer and a PiPA Charter Partner. We have also engaged in employee consultations to review and enhance our company policies and processes.
As an intermediary organisation with over 100 members across the country, YTAS is uniquely placed to inform, educate and support Scotland’s youth theatre sector in adopting Fair Work principles and implementing lasting improvements within the workforce.
Our sector research and consultations reveal that youth theatre groups and leaders in Scotland lack the necessary time, resources, knowledge and skills to address Fair Work priorities. Additionally, there is a lack of clear and consistent data to evidence the impact of Fair Work improvements. Our Fair work Action Plan addresses these challenges and aims to resolve them through the following activities and outcomes.
Our Fair Work Activities
Our Fair Work Outcomes
You can find more information about the vision and framework for Fair Work in Scotland at
YTAS is a climate aware and climate active organisation. We are a member of the Green Arts Initiative, an interactive community of arts organisations working to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable Scotland. We are committed to monitoring and reducing our own environmental impact, and to inspiring, encouraging and supporting our Scotland’s youth theatre sector to act sustainably as we transition towards a climate resilient and low-carbon economy.
Our Environmental Policy and Environmental Action Plan set out our commitment to minimising our environmental impact, reducing our carbon footprint, and continually improving our environmental performance. The Policy lays out our company objectives to:
Although our carbon footprint is already low, we continue to be ambitious when it comes to reducing our impact and constantly seek new ways to do more. Travel has been identified as the main source of carbon emissions for YTAS in recent years, so we are dedicated to reducing these emissions. Our focus will be on areas we have control over and those we can influence. This includes YTAS core staff, board members/volunteers, freelance event staff, YTAS members, and event attendees. In addition to reducing travel-related emissions, we are also devising plans to track waste at our event venues and to monitor and reduce our digital carbon footprint.
Our Environmental Sustainability Action Plan
Our Environmental Sustainability Action Plan was established in 2024 and is aligned and embedded with our company’s Strategic Framework, which guides all our sector support, development, and intermediary activities. It includes actions we will take to achieve net zero emissions by 2045, as well as mitigation and adaptation actions we will take to enhance our climate resilience. The YTAS staff team meets regularly to assess and update progress on our Action Plan.
As an intermediary organisation with over 100 members across the country, YTAS is uniquely placed to inform, educate and support Scotland’s youth theatre sector in reducing it its carbon emissions and increasing its commitment towards environmental sustainability. We will use our ‘Resources’ web portal as well as online and in-person events to discuss and promote this approach.
Our sector research and consultations reveal that youth theatre groups and leaders in Scotland lack the necessary time, resources, knowledge and skills to address environmental sustainability priorities. Our Environmental Sustainability Action Plan addresses these challenges and aims to resolve them.
Our Environmental Sustainability Goals:
Our Environmental Sustainability Outcomes:
YTAS is member of Creative Carbon’s Green Arts Initiative. For more information and details of how to join visit
Our members are located throughout Scotland and together they are responsible for the majority of youth theatre activity delivered across the country
Together we can ensure a strong future for theatre and the performing arts in Scotland for the next generation and beyond
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We are a registered charity in Scotland (No. SC035765) and a company limited by guarantee (No. 269952).
Website by Out of Place Studio