Help us create a BUZZ across Europe – BUZZ Network is recruiting now!

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Help us create a BUZZ all across Europe – the BUZZ Network is recruiting now!

We are looking for 17 youth theatre artists from all across Europe to take part in the first BUZZ Artists’ Lab, Co-creation and Empowering Young People at BRONKS in Brussels from 20-24 April 2020.

What is the BUZZ Network?

Leading arts organisations from Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Belgium and Germany have been awarded funding from the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union to cross-pollinate youth theatre practice across the continent for the first time.

Called the BUZZ Network, the organisations have joined forces to share knowledge, skills, contacts and resources across seas and borders, establishing a new network for collaboration and development.

All partners are leaders in the development of Youth Theatre in their own country. National development organisations Youth Theatre Arts Scotland and Youth Theatre Ireland will work alongside prominent theatres Rogaland Teater from Norway, Theater Bremen in Germany, and BRONKS from Belgium to advance practice in their region and across Europe.

Over the next three years, the BUZZ Network will deliver multinational training events for youth theatre practitioners, engaging over 100 professionals from around twenty European countries.

Alongside training, the BUZZ Network will undertake the first mapping research of youth theatre across Europe, to identify leading venues and practice. It will also create a new web portal to increase awareness of cross-border opportunities for over 28,500 European youth theatre participants and professionals.

How can I get involved?

Recruitment for the first Artists’ Lab in Brussels is open now, and more details are available in the form below.

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