Have fun discovering – or remembering! – the key elements, the foundations of physical comedy and clown on Mon 20 February (10am-5pm) & Tue 21 February 2023 (10am-3pm).
FEE: £90
What links all of these?
*Physical expressiveness
*The Rules of Play
Having fun!
Clowning is accepting then enjoying your stupidity. It’s serious business! The Clown is not a character, it’s a state of playing and of being. Clown is where you glimpse, see and realise what is so stupid about yourself. And then wanting and being able to share this with others.
Gerry Flanagan is Artistic Director of Shifting Sands Theatre founded to create and tour clown theatre that is both comic and moving. Productions include Faustus – A Devilish Comedy!, Boxed In: Romeo & Juliet: The Deadline: The Seagull. Gerry has been performing, directing and teaching Clown for over 25 years.
COVID Safety: Participants will need to provide a negative lateral flow test each morning of the workshop.
For more details and to enroll, contact Gerry at shiftingsandstheatre@hotmail.com, call 07751 996864 or visit https://shiftingsandstheatre.co.uk/