Credit-Rated Short Course for ages 16+
Mon 18 September – 27 November 2023, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
This credit-rated course is designed for those who want to explore non-traditional performance writing in multiple ways: through solo practice, working with communities and via various mediums, approaches and techniques including visual, aural and material approaches to writing for performance.
This course aims to:
provide an opportunity for participants to explore and experiment with non-traditional performance writing in multiple ways such as solo performance, working with communities and via various mediums, approaches and techniques including visual, aural and material approaches to writing for performance.
You will be assessed through:
Portfolio of performance writing created throughout the course which may include written word/video of performance/audio piece/images, and final original piece of performance writing.
Written reflection.
For further information, please contact (Marlisa Ross), call 07929 726694 or visit