Fri 27 Sep 2024: 4:00PM
Youth Theatre Arts Scotland

Regional Hub: Borders

Venue: Old Gala House, Scott Crescent, Galashiels, TD1 3JS
Prices: YTAS Members £10 per day or £15 for the full event | Non-Members £30 per day or £50 for the full event | Networking events free

Join YTAS for our second year of Regional Hubs featuring workshops, networking, and lively discussions.

Regional Hub Borders

For our first Hub in the Borders, we’ll be looking into how we can better support neurodiversity in our youth theatres, taking a dive into devising, and exploring shadow puppetry. We’ll also have the usual networking, sector support, and the ever-fun games exchange! So, practitioners in the Borders, be sure to mark your calendars and join us in Galashiels from Friday 27 – Sunday 29 September for a fun weekend of professional development.

The aims of the Regional Hubs are to upskill artists; share practice on specific creative areas; create stronger working relationships within regional youth theatre networks; support emerging youth theatre artists; identify future partnerships and projects; and help to shape YTAS’s programming.

Hubs are open to all levels of experience and can be accessed by anyone who uses art and creativity in their work with young people. We will lead with a focus on theatre and performance, but the activities explored can be utilised in many youth work or youth arts settings. So, whether you’re a volunteer, a theatre manager, a drama teacher or anything in between, you’re sure to come away with new knowledge and contacts from your region and beyond.

Not sure what a Hub is? See what previous events looked like over on our Regional Hubs page.


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