Suitable for ages 11-13, this performance course is for anyone who is interested in improving their storytelling skills, building confidence, and performing as an ensemble. This year’s course will be staging The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken, adapted by Russ Tunney.
A thrilling adventure set in an alternative history of England, the play tells the story of two brave and determined girls as they fight against ferocious wolves and battle their way through wastelands to defeat their very evil guardian, Miss Slighcarp.
This exciting, fun filled adaptation sees cousins Bonnie and Sylvia and their friend Simon the Gooseboy encountering a host of unforgettable characters as they discover that the wolves roaming the forests and fields outside may not be as dangerous as the wolfish adults plotting inside. Featuring a chorus who narrate, sing and comment on the action, and plenty of opportunities for song and dance for those who want it, as well as some plotting, scheming and danger.
Directed by Heather Johns.
Mon 10 – Sat 22 July 2023, 10am – 4.30pm each day (not weekends, excluding Sat 22 July)
- Lyceum Youth Theatre Member onsale at 10am, Mon 27 February: £325
- Early Bird Offer onsale at 10am, Mon 13 March. Book by Sunday 26 March to pay: £325
- Public onsale at 10am, Mon 27 March: £375