A ten day programme of theatre, nature exploration, and art & wellbeing workshops that climaxes in a public final performance.
The cost is £1,600 including £300 booking deposit. One bursary place is available for a qualifying Moray-resident. This includes full-board meals, accommodation, teaching materials, activities with local ecologists and artists, field trips and 75 hours of tuition.
These annual Summer Camps have been running successfully for a decade, attracting participants from around Europe. Each camp has 10 – 16 participants.
Qualifying Moray-residents can apply for a bursary place – the successful applicant of which will only have to pay £100 for the 10 days. This is thanks to a grant from Newbold Legacy Trust. Apply for the bursary place here: https://bit.ly/SC24Grant.
Find out more and book at http://theatreofthe7directions.com/events/teenecotheatresummercamp30july2024.