Grants for Youth Theatre

Remember back in the bad ol’ days (eg. 2020), when we told you about an upcoming grants scheme to enable youth theatre groups and freelancers across Scotland to adapt their practice and deliver targeted activity with children and young people…?  

Well, we’re excited to now be able to tell you more about our scheme, which we’ve named Grants for Youth Theatre. To keep things easy to explain, and to apply for, it’s sort of like our microgrants from last summer, but on a bigger and more targeted scale, with the maximum award available being a cool £3000.  

Successful groups will be supported to make COVID-recovery adaptations, but the scheme also aims to  enhance the capacity of Scotland’s youth theatre sector to address issues of inequality, environmental impact, or social justice through their work. Don’t worry if you’re unsure about this part though, because we’ve called in some superstars to help…  

As well as receiving funding, successful groups will be paired with one of our experienced Allies in Residence, who have been active in addressing these topics over many years. The Allies in Residence will provide practical expertise and support to groups as they embark on their new projects in possibly-unfamiliar territory. So, with expert advice on hand and built into the scheme, what better time is there to commit to addressing these urgent issues? 

Both organisational and freelance members of YTAS are invited to apply for a grant to help establish new practices or enhance existing plans. The funds should help aid the development of practice and delivery which will result in a positive impact on the young people who engage with that practice.  

It’s anticipated that successful applicants should be planning to spend their grant between March and July 2021, with the next round of funding likely to open in June for July to November projects.  

Alongside the funding, YTAS will be leading a series of related training sessions and forums which will take place throughout the year focussing on the key areas the projects will address. We’re also hosting an information session on Zoom on Thursday 4 March at 11am for applicants to ask any questions. 

We’re working to this timeline at the moment (but please keep a wee eye on our social media channels too): 

  • First Round Applications Open: 17 February 
  • Information Session: 4 March REGISTER HERE
  • First Round Applications Close: 22 March 
  • Final Selection Meeting: 26 March 
  • Inform Recipients and Announce Successful Projects: w/c 30 March 
  • Second Round Applications Open: June (tbc) 

The funding for our Grants for Youth Theatre scheme was provided by the generous support of the Scottish Government’s Emergency Funds for Youth Arts and Communities Recovery Fund, as well as support from the Gannochy Trust. The funding is designed to help the recovery of youth arts across Scotland and ensure creative opportunities for children and young people continue despite the COVID-19 pandemic. 


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