How to be an advocate for Culture

The Culture Counts toolkit is now available!

The toolkit contains the information and evidence you need to make the case for Culture. With just a few simple actions, you can engage with the decision makers in your area, raise the profile of your work and become part of a network promoting Culture across Scotland. The toolkit provides tips on how to find your politicians, how to start conversations and what to say. Download it now at

The more people who engage with politicians to make the case, the more likely it is that Culture will continue to be recognised and promoted in Scotland’s local and national government.

We encourage everyone to use and share the toolkit and to let us and others know about their advocacy activities. Remember to use the hashtag #culturecounts on Twitter. You can also ask us questions or share your experiences on

Evidence on the value of Culture

When speaking to politicians, you can explain the value of the work you do as well as what Culture contributes overall to our society. Download the key facts as a starting point and remember that up-to-date evidence is always available on the Delicious feed.

You can also read Research Summaries of key pieces of evidence and Commentaries on the conversations about the value of Culture, to ensure you have the information at your fingertips.

Recent research includes an evaluation of Sistema Scotland and a report on economic impact of the arts and culture industries in the UK – links to both of these are available on the Delicious feed. In our Research Summaries, you’ll also find a recent report on the Health and Educational Benefits of Sport and Culture.

Culture Counts

Culture Counts is a group of umbrella associations and organisations from across the arts, screen, heritage and creative industries in Scotland. The group formed in 2011 to advocate for the value and importance of culture to life in Scotland.

The Culture Counts principles are:

  • Cultural expression is an individual right and supports a better understanding of our own and others’ identities.
  • Culture is fundamental to our quality of life.
  • Culture is a powerful force for renewal, regeneration and sustainability. Culture can bring economic benefits to individuals, communities and the nation.
  • Culture makes important contributions to improving the learning, health, wellbeing, confidence and quality of life for individuals and for our communities.
  • Culture is crucial in the development of a skilled and imaginative population.
  • Culture encourages understanding, value and enjoyment of our environment.
  • Culture raises the profile of Scotland at home and abroad, connecting Scotland to the world.

If you want to find out more go to


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