What might experiences from community-rooted work around the world teach us about creative projects here in Scotland?
For this, the third in the Culture Collective ‘International Perspectives’ series, they will be joined by Egyptian arts producer and community activist Heba el-Cheikh. Chaired by François Matarasso, the event will explore Heba’s experiences of working ‘in the margins’, mobilising informal communities of interest, and making projects work against the odds.
This event will be presented in English, Zoom auto captioned and British Sign Language (BSL) interpreted; an edited recording of the event will be made available via this page after the event.
About Heba el-Cheikh
Heba El Cheikh is the co-founder and managing director of Mahatat – a contemporary art social enterprise based in Cairo that aims to unleash inspiration and creativity, spread joy and entertainment, and expand the pool of professional artists working in the outdoor art disciplines. She is considered one of the important international experts on participatory art concepts in the Arab world. Through making art in public spaces, and with a range of different communities, her work aims to set democratisation processes in motion. Since its founding in 2011, Mahatat has become a model for participatory art practice on an international level.
The conversation will be Chaired by François Matarasso – community artist, writer and consultant, and author of A Restless Art – How participation won, and why it matters.
About the International Perspectives series
An occasional series throughout 2022 (and beyond?), the International Perspectives series will introduce organisations and practitioners working in community-led creative projects across the world. Featuring performance, discussion and open Q&A, these events aim to widen our perspectives and introduce new approaches to community, creativity and social change.
For further information, please contact k.e.welch@hotmail.co.uk or visit https://www.culturecollective.scot/events/international-perspectives-3-heba-el-cheikh/