East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust (EDLCT) is seeking to commission an artist/creative coordinator to work with local groups and communities, in Lennoxtown.
This will build on to build on previous community engagement (2023/24) delivering an agreed programme of arts and creative activity within the venue of Campsie Memorial Hall. The programme, funded by the Westminster Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund, responds to a number of activities which were highlighted by local people through consultation. The two main themes identified were intergenerational events and accessible creativity.
Fee: There will be a fee of £8550 for 45 days work at £190 per day (seven hours with one hour unpaid lunch break) between May 2024 and April 2025. Post holder is expected to pay their own Tax and National Insurance. The post holder will be required to work regular evenings and weekends to support community programmed events.
Arts Coordinator Responsibilities
• Manage a programme of community arts and creative activity within the venue of Campsie Memorial Hall.
• Work closely with activity providers – companies and freelance tutors
• Work closely with participants – schools, community groups, local residents
• Working with partners and project fund to market and advertise all activities
• Responsible for managing bookings via event brite, or other methods as appropriate
• Risk assess activities working with providers
• Remove identified barriers to participation working with Arts & Events Officer
• Establish sustainable relationships with key partners and participants
• Provide vital feedback and evidence to inform future performing and visual arts programmes
• Provide written, photographic and/or film documentation of the process, engagement and findings
• Participate in the project’s monitoring and evaluation process
• Attend monthly steering group meetings to report on progress
Applications will be accepted in the form of a CV and cover letter detailing your suitability for and interest in the role.
For further information, please contact Culture01@eastdunbarton.gov.uk, call 0141 777 3143 or visit www.edlc.co.uk.