Feis Rois: We Have Questions 2024 – Who Are We?

Closing date: Fri 19 Jul 2024: 5pm

Cat Meighan and Hector MacInnes are seeking practitioners from a range of creative, arts, teaching and community backgrounds to join a two day working group in Cromarty exploring rural socially engaged practice.

During the working group, participants will contribute in one of two ways:

– Some will lead a session, by presenting a short provocation and then hosting a zine-able activity through which to explore it.
– Others will be chosen as a respondent, closing the session either through reflective conversation or through their creative practice.

Sessions will last about 90 minutes, including provocation, exploration and response, and there will generally be two sessions running concurrently at any point, so a choice of which to attend.

Some broad themes of the working group are: remoteness and the north; collaboration and authorship; practising in an age of polycrisis; the labour of socially engaged practice; practitioner wellbeing.

For We Have Questions 2024 (WHQ2) they are particularly interested in the question “Who Are We?”, inviting participants interested in exploring the pressures and forces that are currently acting on, and shaping, their identities as artists, as political agents, as rural, as… ?

In between sessions there will be time to breathe, eat, walk, sleep, discuss, play and reflect. Accommodation and catering for all will be provided on-site, at The Old Brewery, Cromarty Arts Trust.

They are considering setting aside one evening as a scratch night, at which anyone who wishes to can share a fragment, a work-in-progress or an on-the-spot experiment. There will be a short question about this in the application form so they can assess demand, and think about what they might need to prepare.

At the end of the working group, the provocations, discussions, documentation and creative responses will be collated into a zine to be sent to participants and distributed to individuals, organisations, zine libraries, bus stops, wherever else wants one, across the Highlands.

For freelancers and professional practitioners not participating as part of salaried work, a fee of £672 + reasonable travel expenses will be offered.

Read the CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LJBQx7Nd-4ghmmZlVCE2raC4n3buD5GY/view?usp=sharing
Apply at: https://forms.gle/JAyQLKMcAob5DcT46

For further information, please contact hec.macinnes@gmail.com.

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Closing date: Fri 19 Jul 2024: 5pm
