YTAS have partnered again this year with Fringe Days Out to provide our members the opportunity to take your young people to the Edinburgh Fringe – for free!
Since starting as a pilot programme in 2017, nearly 10,000 people have been given the opportunity to have a Fringe Day Out at one of the world’s greatest celebrations of arts and culture, right here in Scotland. This year YTAS have over £1500 worth of tickets available for our members and they are open to all members across Scotland.
If you would like to apply, please complete this form with your ticket requests at least three weeks before the performance. Allocations will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis and a member of the YTAS team will book the tickets for you. It’s that easy!
When you apply, you will need to know:
- The show you want to see
- The date and time of your performance
- The venue of your selected performance
- How many young people you want to bring
Don’t forget that popular shows may sell out in advance so the sooner you make your booking with YTAS, the more likely you are to get all your tickets.