CashBack for Communities supports the Scottish Government’s Vision For Justice, helping to build a just, safe and resilient Scotland. CashBack for Communities is a Scottish Government programme which takes funds recovered from the proceeds of crime and invests them into free activities and programmes across Scotland, largely, but not exclusively, for young people.
CashBack for Communities supports the Scottish Government’s Vision For Justice, helping to build a just, safe and resilient Scotland. The fund focuses on young people at risk of entering the criminal justice system and the communities most affected by crime.
CashBack Phase 6 will deliver a range of trauma-informed and person-centred services and activities for young people between the ages of 10-25 that:
• Support young people most at risk of being involved in antisocial behaviour offending or reoffending towards or into positive destinations.
• Provide person-centred support for young people, parents and families impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma.
• Support young people to improve their health, mental health and wellbeing.
• Support people, families and communities most affected by crime.
Who can apply?
Applications are invited from organisations who wish to become a CashBack for Communities Partner. Applications are sought from incorporated organisations with a proven track record, for:
• Projects lasting at least two years, between 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2026
• Applications of at least £150,000
• Capital expenditure is available – to 10% of project funding.
The fund is not open to local authorities, or schools or colleges receiving statutory funds.
There will be two information session webinars on 22 June and 30 June, both covering the same content. Sign up via the links below.
Wed 22 June 2022, 10am:
Thu 30 June 2022, 10am:
The deadline for submission of applications is 12 August 2022 at 12 noon.
If you have any enquiries about the application process, guidelines or application form please contact us by email, before 5 August 2022, at the following address:
For full details, visit: