The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland have fully-funded spaces available on this new Credit-Rated Short Course (SCQF Level 11, 10 Credits)
Mon 4 July – Sun 10 July 2022, 10am – 5pm
Cost: £895
This short course is suited to anyone with some experience of opera, either as a director or performer. It is a highly practical module that investigates, through group exercises, discussion and tutorials, the role of the opera director and the skills and personal qualities required to form a vision for a production, and work with singers in the rehearsal room to achieve that vision.
The module includes analysis of text and music, exploring methods of character research and development. Each director has the opportunity to rehearse an opera scene with singers and a pianist. Directors will develop a vision for a production of an opera of their choice and present the vision during the course.
This module is designed to:
- Enable you to gain an understanding of the skills that are central to fulfilling the role of opera director
- Introduce you to two aspects of opera directing: analysis and preparation; and rehearsal techniques
- Give you an opportunity to develop your skills and understanding of rehearsal techniques through practice group work
- Develop a group dynamic that is supportive and challenging, and in which peer feedback is an essential part of the learning process
- Place personal development planning at the heart of the module and to underpin that with consistent use of reflective practice, formative assessment and goal setting
If you have any questions before applying, please email
For further information, please contact (Marlisa Ross) or visit