Manipulate Arts: Creative Fund

Closing date: Mon 15 Jul 2024: 5pm

A seed funding programme through which artists can develop new projects, undertake training or research in the fields of visual theatre, puppetry or animated film.

Manipulate Arts’ seed funding programme for artists is back for 2024/25. The fund offers opportunities for artists to receive up to £5500 in funding to support the development of a new performance or animation project, or to support the costs of new creative research or training in our supported fields.

Launched in 2008, the fund has supported over 70 artists since its inception, and many Creative Fund projects have gone on to enjoy success, including at theatre and film festivals around the world. Despite this, the fund is not about producing a final product; the focus is on creative experimentation. They offer artists the opportunity to hone skills and play with new ideas, free from the pressure to produce a final outcome.

Eligible projects will relate to the fields of puppetry, animated film or visual theatre. Their definition of visual theatre is broad and includes circus, physical theatre and some dance theatre; for a full breakdown of artform eligibility, please see application guidance on their website.

For 2024/25 they have £16,500 to allocate, and applications are open from 11 June – 15 July 2024.

For more information and to apply, please visit their website:

Manipulate Arts Logo
Closing date: Mon 15 Jul 2024: 5pm
