A year paid internship for a young artist keen to help Performance Collective Stranraer (PCS) promote performance, theatre, music and community arts making by other young creative people in and from Dumfries and Galloway.
They are looking for a young artist who knows Dumfries and Galloway well and who will support our current activity as well as generate new activity. Duties include:
• Administrative assistance to Artistic Director Sarah Rose Graber to support the PCS membership
• Regular digital publication of the PCS digital news and opportunities
• Providing publicity and maintaining our social media presence for PCS performances / events
• Run PCS social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram)
• Update the website
• Draft press and publicity materials for the Artistic Director
• Devise and run media and publicity campaigns for events and membership recruitment
• Participate in fundraising [including bid-writing] and crowdfunding
• Be able to participate in PCS membership activities [as long as no conflicts with duties occur]
• Report directly to Artistic Director on a bi-weekly basis; keep an hourly log of duties and provide quarterly reports of activities for the PCS Board and to be sent to our Chairperson
If aged under 25 years old there will be the opportunity to seek Arts Award accreditation at Bronze and Silver level. https://www.artsaward.org.uk/site/?id=65
Intern Commission Fee: £5,016 (approximately five and half days/month) plus expenses as incurred and invoiced, paid in monthly instalments by BACS.
Fee calculated in accordance with advice from real Living Wage lobby (£9.50/hour; eight hour days)
PCS aim to follow the guidance of the government-endorsed Common Best Practice Code for High-Quality Internships: ”An internship is where an individual works so as to gain relevant professional experience before embarking on a career. Well managed, high-quality internships should be beneficial to both employer and intern.”
Our internships are fair, high-quality, and comply with all current employment legislation provisions.
We ensure that the internships are transparent and open to all, irrespective of background.
Interviews w/c 20 June 2022 • Start date as soon as possible.
For further information, please contact carolynanne57@gmail.com (Carolyn Yates), call 07773 797495 or visit https://www.performancecollectivestranraer.com