Rachael McGill and Stromness Drama Club: Stromness Plays

Closing date: Fri 31 May 2024: 11pm

A festival of new theatre writing inspired by the topics of the Stromness Debating Society (1953-2012): workshops, short play writing competition and showcase.

Supported by a Scottish Society of Playwrights SSP50 Fellowship.

Competition open to all with an Orkney connection
• Write a 5-25 minute play: any style, theme, or setting – just use one of the selected Stromness Debating Society topics as the title or a line of the dialogue.
• 3 x £300 prizes. No entry fee.
• Selected writers will have their play staged in a rehearsed reading by Stromness Drama Club.
• Under-18s and over-18s judged separately, young people’s ages taken into account.
• List of debates, full rules and guidelines on the website at https://www.rachaelmcgill.com/stromnessplays (deadline 31 May 2024).

Free Playwriting Workshops
24 March 2024, 11am – 1pm – Stromness Library (young people)
24 March 2024, 2pm – 4.30pm – Stromness Library
26 March 2024, 7pm – 9.30pm – St Magnus Centre

To book your place email stromnessplays@gmail.com.

Showcase event
1 November 2024, Stromness Town Hall (with opportunities for directing and acting)

For further information, please contact stromnessplays@gmail.com or visit https://www.rachaelmcgill.com/stromnessplays

Stromness Drama Club logo
Closing date: Fri 31 May 2024: 11pm
