SCVO: Shifting Sands Research

Closing date: Mon 31 Mar 2025: 12am

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) know how hard it can be for voluntary organisations to plan for the future. How do you predict how much money you’ll have? Will you need to recruit staff or volunteers? Will you be able to keep the ones you’ve got? What opportunities are out there and is there another shock looming over the horizon? 

SCVO would like to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape you’re operating in. 

They’re written the Shifting Sands guide for Chief Executives, leadership teams and trustees, to help you think about the external factors that might impact on your organisation in 2025/26 and beyond. It covers political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental issues that are new or that will be particularly pertinent in 2025/26.  Some of the information may be new to you, some may not be relevant. Take what you need from it. 

Closing date: Mon 31 Mar 2025: 12am
