The Bold Collective invites young creatives (aged 16-24) to submit proposals to be awarded up to £500 for a Sustainable Project, Session or Development which will be taking place between July 2024 – November 2024. You can apply for the Sustainability Grant as an individual or group. The fund can support a maximum of six projects between July 2024 – November 2024.
What is the Sustainability Grant? The Bold Collective are a youth-led cohort who aim to reach young people across the city through cultural workshops, events and community-led opportunities. The Sustainability Grant is an opportunity for young people to apply for a small fund to deliver a project, increase the capacity of their practice, or access materials to improve their art-form. All proposals must have a strong focus on sustainability and environmentally friendly practice.
The Bold Collective believe that all young people have the right to be creative and that the arts really do change lives for the better.
The grant can be used towards:
- Projects which take place in Glasgow with a sustainability focus or environmentally friendly aspect
- Pilot projects or new partnerships (partnership between Bold Collective members are encouraged)
- To support activities going online/digital with an environmentally friendly aspect
- To support the commissioning of a freelance artist(s) to carry out a piece of work that benefits the local community or a community of interest in a green/environmentally friendly way
- Materials, equipment and/or digital costs for a practice or workshop (although this must not exceed 30% of the total amount asked for)
A grant will not be awarded to;
- Anyone outwith our funded age range of 16 – 24 years
- Projects that will take place outside of Glasgow
- Cover costs that are not ‘business or trading’ related such as someone’s personal rent or mortgage
- Cover historical costs, such as an item purchased before 21 June 2024
- Someone other than who the grant was intended for (it cannot be passed to someone else or another organisation in need)
- Pay off a debt
- Projects that do not have a sustainability focus to their work or practice
- Proposals submitted after the deadline of 21 June 2024
- Projects or spending which takes place after 1 November 2024
- Proposals seeking more than £500 from the grant
How to apply Applicants are encouraged to read the Guidance Document carefully before submitting a proposal. The Project Proposal Form should be submitted no later than 5pm, Fri 21 June 2024. Proposals submitted after this date will not be considered.
If you require the form in another format or have any other access needs, please email our current Youth Arts Coordinator Lily at
They will be hosting an information session on Zoom on Mon 13 May 2024, information to be found on their Instagram page nearer the time.
Bold Collective Sustainability Grand Guidance Document 2024.docx
Sustainability Grant Project Proposal Form 24.docx