The Gannochy Trust Grant Strategy 2022 – 2027 was launched in July 2022 and undertook to establish a new designated Fund that was designed and assessed by young people for young people in Perth and Kinross. The Gannochy Trust Youth Panel Fund was approved in December 2022 and the Fund launched in February 2023.
The Youth Panel are 12 young people aged from 14 – 21 recruited through Perth and Kinross Strategic Youth Work Partners and care experienced youth services. They have designed The Gannochy Trust Youth Panel Fund aims and outcomes and have delegated responsibility from the Board of Trustees for assessing applications and approving funding of up to £100,000 per year. The Youth Panel will meet four times each year with a budget of circa £25,000 at each meeting.
Who the Youth Panel Fund will accept applications from
The Gannochy Trust Youth Panel Fund awards grants to registered charities for work in Perth and Kinross, that deliver the outcomes that the Youth Panel aims to achieve with its funding. Full eligibility guidance is available in the Guidance Notes which are included in the Application Pack.
Youth Panel Deadlines and Application Pack
The Gannochy Trust Youth Panel meet four times a year to consider grant applications. They aim to deal with your application as efficiently and effectively as possible. It is important your application is submitted by the deadline date so they have time to discuss your application or receive additional information if required.
What projects will the Youth Panel Fund support
The Youth Panel Fund has three main aims and accompanying outcomes that they wish to see delivered in Perth and Kinross:
Youth Activity
- Providing groups of young people with the opportunity to experience travel and new environments (Care experienced young people need not travel as part of a group)
- Providing a safe place for young people to meet and socialise
- Opportunities for young people to explore music and/or art
- Activity that delivers positive environmental change
Youth Voice
- Empowering young people and ensuring that their voices are heard
- Supporting youth leadership in local communities
Youth Health and Wellbeing
- Provision of free or affordable meals
- Development of independent living skills
- Activity that is focused on improving mental health
- Improved access to the outdoors
- Improved access to the outdoors
2023 Deadlines
- 24 March 2023, for consideration at the Youth Panel meeting on 22 April 2023
- 26 May 2023, for consideration at the Youth Panel meeting on 24 June 2023
- 28 July 2023, for consideration at the Youth Panel meeting on 26 August 2023
- 13 October 2023, for consideration at the Youth Panel meeting on 11 November 2023.
They aim write to you within three weeks of the meeting with a decision about your application.
Get full information and the application pack at