(Un)Seen, (Un)Heard are looking for more stories of what life is like for young LGBTQ+ people in Scotland to add to their national archives.
They are looking for more stories of what life is like for young LGBTQ+ people in Scotland. If you are 13-25 and live in Scotland, or if you grew up in Scotland and identify as LGBTQ+ and have a story you want to share, please follow this link: https://linktr.ee/unseenunheard
You can submit your story in any way that works for you. They are looking for poems, photography, art, songs, audio, films, comics, and more. If you have any questions, you can email us at unseenunheard@lgbtyouth.org.uk.
For further information, please contact unseenunheard@lgbtyouth.org.uk or visit https://www.instagram.com/unseenunheardlgbtys/