Youth Theatre Arts Scotland: Expenses Support for Interchange 2025

Closing date: Sat 5 Apr 2025: 9am

Thanks to funding from Creative Scotland, the Gannochy Trust, the Stafford Trust, and the Hugh Fraser Foundation, we are delighted to be able to offer an Expenses Support fund to help YTAS members attend Interchange 2025. The fund is available to any YTAS Member who requires financial support in order to attend this event.

What does the Expenses Support Fund cover?

If the organisation you work for can’t fund your place, the fund can be used to cover ticket prices for the event. You can also apply for support to cover your expenses to attend the convention, such as travel, childcare or access costs up to £150.

Who can apply?

The Expenses Support Fund is available to any YTAS Member. If you are not yet a YTAS member and would like to become one, please visit our membership page.

How do I apply?

If you would like to apply for the Expenses Support Fund, please complete the Microsoft form linked below, ideally at least three weeks ahead of Interchange 2025. However, if this is not possible, send us an email to or call 0131 538 0591 to speak with a member of the team. 

The application form will ask you to give a brief explanation of how attending the event will benefit you. Bursaries will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, until funds run out, so we encourage you to submit your requests as early as you are able to. 

How will I know if I have been successful? What happens next? 

We expect to be able to let you know the outcome of your application within two weeks of submissionOnce you have submitted your application form, a member of the Youth Theatre Arts Scotland team will contact you to discuss the details of your application and/or obtain any further information required. If your application is successful, you will receive a confirmation email with all the information you need ahead of the event.

After Interchange, we will ask you to complete a short feedback form – this will help us to feed back to our funders who have made the expenses support possible, as well as to help us plan future training programmes.

I have more questions! 

Please email with any questions you might have and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Closing date: Sat 5 Apr 2025: 9am
