A Youth Work Approach

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Youth work promotes values of inclusion, mutual respect, equality and the involvement of young people in decision-making. It is about building relationships based on trust and shared understanding, and using the strengths of these relationships to develop a person-centred approach to the development of young people.

We believe youth theatre is a specialist youth work approach and practice. That’s why we make sure that the principles and outcomes of youth work are central to what we do at YTAS and among our members.



Youth Work Principles

YouthLink Scotland outlines the three essential and definitive features of youth work:

  1. Young people choose to participate. The young person takes part voluntarily. They choose to be involved, not least because they want to relax, meet friends and have fun. The young person decides whether to engage or to walk away.
  2. Youth work must build from where young people are. Youth work meets young people where they are at. The young person’s life experience is respected and forms the basis for shaping any agenda and development plan in partnership with peers and youth workers.
  3. Youth work recognises the young person and the youth worker as partners in a learning process. Youth work is an equal partnership. The young person is recognised as an active partner who can, and should, have opportunities and resources to shape their lives. The relationship and dialogue between the young person and youth worker is central to the learning process.




Youth Work Outcomes

In collaboration with the youth work sector, YouthLink Scotland has formulated seven youth work outcomes:

  1. Young people build their health and wellbeing.
  2. Young people develop and manage relationships effectively.
  3. Young people create and apply their learning and describe their skills and achievements.
  4. Young people participate safely and effectively in groups and teams.
  5. Young people consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control.
  6. Young people grow as active citizens, expressing their voice and enabling change.
  7. Young people broaden their perspectives through new experiences and thinking.

If you’re interested in learning more about the National Youth Work Outcomes and Skills Framework and how to show the impacts of these outcomes in your work, please visit https://www.youthlink.scot/education-skills/youth-work-outcomes-skills/

YTAS is member of YouthLink Scotland (the collective voice of Scotland’s youth work sector) and their network of National Voluntary Youth Organisations of Scotland. For more information visit https://www.youthlink.scot/