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The Scottish Government’s Fair Work Policy defines ‘Fair Work’ as work that offers all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect. It balances the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers. It generates benefits for individuals, organisations and society.

YTAS is committed to applying Fair Work principles across our organisation and supporting employers in Scotland’s youth theatre sector to do the same.



Our Fair Work Commitment



    • Effective Voice – we’ll support staff to have their say at work.

    • Opportunity – we’ll allow people fair access to work, employment and training opportunities.

    • Security – we’ll support awareness of employment rights and provide security of work and income.

    • Fulfilment – we’ll promote positive and supportive workplace relationships and a sense of belonging.

    • Respect – we’ll ensure work enhances individual health, safety and wellbeing.

Since 2016, YTAS has been an accredited Living Wage employer. This means that everyone working at YTAS, including permanent employees and third-party contractors and suppliers, receive a minimum hourly wage that reflects the cost of living.

We are also a PiPA (Parents and Carers in Performing Arts) Charter Partner, striving towards creating a more family friendly working environment. PiPA campaigns to enable and empower parents, carers and employers to achieve sustainable change in attitudes and practices in order to attract, support and retain a more diverse and flexible workforce. We are always happy to discuss solutions that allow people to balance their caring responsibilities with their working lives, for example through job shares or flexible working arrangements as appropriate.

LW Employer logo transparent
PiPA Scotland Logo

Our Fair Work Action Plan

Our Fair Work Action Plan was established in 2024 and is aligned and embedded with our company’s Strategic Framework, which guides all our sector support, development, and intermediary activities. The YTAS staff team meets regularly to assess and update progress on our Action Plan.

Our Action Plan is shaped by the results of baseline assessments we have undertaken as a Fair Work Employer and a PiPA Charter Partner. We have also engaged in employee consultations to review and enhance our company policies and processes.

As an intermediary organisation with over 100 members across the country, YTAS is uniquely placed to inform, educate and support Scotland’s youth theatre sector in adopting Fair Work principles and implementing lasting improvements within the workforce.

Our sector research and consultations reveal that youth theatre groups and leaders in Scotland lack the necessary time, resources, knowledge and skills to address Fair Work priorities. Additionally, there is a lack of clear and consistent data to evidence the impact of Fair Work improvements. Our Fair work Action Plan addresses these challenges and aims to resolve them through the following activities and outcomes.



Our Fair Work Activities

    • Improving our Fair Work knowledge and practice.
    • Undertaking actions which help to resolve sector low pay and precarious work.
    • Providing access to workforce and talent development opportunities
    • Providing Fair Work sector support, training, and resources.
    • Supporting our members with their Fair Work developments and activities.
    • Applying Fair Work principles in our work on events and with partners.



Our Fair Work Outcomes

    • Scotland’s youth theatre leaders have improved access to information, resources and support relating to Fair Work priorities.
    • Scotland’s youth theatre workforce is better equipped to adopt Fair Work principles.
    • Scotland’s youth theatre workforce feels better supported to address Fair Work priorities.
    • Scotland’s youth theatre workforce is more resilient.

You can find more information about the vision and framework for Fair Work in Scotland here.