Fri 23 Jun 2023: 7:30PM
— Jun 23rd 2023

Toonspeak: Face the Music

Edwin Morgan Studio

Impact Arts, 105 Brunswick Street, Glasgow, G1 1TF

Prices: Free – donations welcome

Announcing… Face the Music, presented by the Toonspeak Performance Collective.

Face the Music explores the influence that music has on our reality, and the power that it has to shape our individual experiences. The members of the Performance Collective have worked collaboratively to explore the world and characters that we will introduce in Face the Music.

Welcome to the 50th Birthday Party of the Ticking Juke, a pub known for its sticky seats and bangin’ beats. Drinks are on us so come join our friends and regulars as memories are shared and music is blared. We’re here for a good time… not necessarily a long time because as we all know time flies when you’re having fun!

Age 16+

This event is free but donations are welcome. Contains references to alcohol misuse and mental health.

toonspeak face the music
