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We often carry out research that benefits young people, youth groups, and their leaders. 

As youth theatre has evolved as a practice and an art form in Scotland, YTAS has listened to the changing needs and aspirations of its sector. In our development role we have identified knowledge gaps, and led the way in sector research to answer these. We also carry out regular sector reviews, which help to sharpen the focus of our future work.

Are you a researcher looking to carry out a study on topics related to youth arts? Be sure to get in touch and see if we can help.

Latest research

Discover our research findings below.

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The Long-Term Impact of Youth Theatre Participation
In 2022, YTAS and the SGSAH carried out research into the long-term impacts of youth theatre participation on participants’ professional and personal lives. Here are the results.
YTAS Emergence Fri 24 March 2023 Traverse Theatre © photographer Andy Catlin 4728
Youth Theatre in Scotland Sector Review 2023
Every few years, YTAS undertakes a review of Scotland’s youth theatre sector to help identify how we’re developing as a sector, and how we can develop further.

Past research

Little Red Ensemble Emergence Sat 17 November 2018 Traverse Theatre Edinburgh © photographer Andy Catlin 9635
Youth Theatre in Scotland Sector Review 2020
In September 2020 we conducted the Youth Theatre in Scotland Sector Review, where we asked the sector to tell us more about the youth theatre activity they run. This helped us capture the big picture of the sector, and identify the ways we can develop further.
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Sector Review 2015
We wanted to review the information that we held about the youth theatre sector in Scotland, to inform our understanding of stakeholders and explore ways to best engage with the youth theatre sector in Scotland.
A group of youth theatre performers
Scottish Arts Council Review of Youth Theatre 2002
In 2002, the then-Scottish Arts Council (SAC, now Creative Scotland) undertook a Review of Youth Theatre in Scotland to inform the positioning of youth theatre within SAC strategy, which led to the establishment of what is now called Youth Theatre Arts Scotland.


Our members are located throughout Scotland and together they are responsible for the majority of youth theatre activity delivered across the country

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