
Membership Support Portal

By Youth Theatre Arts Scotland
Sorry, but this resource is for YTAS Members only. If you are a YTAS Member, please log in to see the content. To become a YTAS Member, please see our Membership page.
All youth theatres should have what is covered in here to run legally and be governed well. But if you find you don’t have everything in place, or you are a new youth theatre, this area of our Membership Support Portal is here to help.
The sheer number of policies and procedures we need to run a safe and inclusive youth theatre in 2023 can feel overwhelming for small teams. This area of the Membership Support Portal has been designed to ease some of this pressure.
This area of our Membership Support Portal will guide you through what you should prioritise when working with staff or volunteers.
If you don’t have a strong business plan, or are new to fundraising, this guidance is going to be useful to you. This area of our Membership Support Portal also covers marketing and promotion, managing money, monitoring and evaluation.


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Membership Support Portal