YTAS EDI Policies and Action Plans

By Youth Theatre Arts Scotland

As part of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) toolkit, we’re happy to share the work we’ve done here at Youth Theatre Arts Scotland to embed EDI principles into our work and make the world of youth theatre a fairer, more inclusive space.

They’re not a finite set of rules to tick off, as our policies are ever-evolving. But, we’re publishing our policies related to EDI in the hope that they could provide inspiration or a starting point for other organisations working towards the same goal.

We use our EDI Action Plan as a working checklist to keep us on track, ensure we’re making time to evaluate where we are, and keep EDI at the forefront of our minds in everything we do.

We hope you find these documents useful, but please let us know if you have any suggestions for improvements.


YTAS EDI Action Plan
YTAS Family Friendly Policies


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