Safe Spaces Statement 

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Our Aim 

Youth Theatre Arts Scotland (YTAS) strives to create and hold events and spaces where everyone feels welcome, and the safety of others is valued. This commitment applies to all our online and in-person services, activities and communications channels.  

We know that social structures can create unfair situations for certain groups. For example, some people can be more dominant in conversations, which can make it harder for others to participate and be heard, even if unintentionally. YTAS is dedicated to fostering respectful environments where everyone can speak up and feel appreciated. To achieve this, we will actively work to prevent behaviours and discrimination that may result in some people feeling excluded. 


Consideration of Others 

We value freedom of speech and the right to express different views, but we ask that all views and opinions be shared considerately. This can be achieved when we:  

      • Demonstrate awareness of those around us.  
      • Respect everyone’s names and pronouns. 
      • Avoid making assumptions about a person’s gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, health, beliefs, origins, economic status or life experiences.  
      • Respect each other’s physical and emotional boundaries.  
      • Communicate constructively and respectfully by being mindful of how much “air space” we occupy, and allowing ample space for others to contribute.
      • Listen to understand, rather than just to respond. 
      • Respect everyone’s viewpoints, even if they differ from our own.  


    Zero-Tolerance Policy 

    YTAS has a zero-tolerance policy towards any behaviour which creates feelings of unease, discomfort, offence, embarrassment, humiliation or intimidation, whether intentional or not. This includes, but is not limited to transphobia, homo or biphobia, racism, ableism, sexism or class discrimination. 

    Any such behaviour unacceptable, whether it occurs as a single incident or repeated actions, in public or in private, and whether it is verbal, non-verbal, written, or physical. 

    Reporting Unacceptable Behaviour 

    YTAS encourages the reporting of any incident – occurring as part of any service, activity or communication channel we run or operate – when an individual has failed to meet the standards of behaviour set out in this statement.  

    Reports should be submitted in writing, will be treated confidentially, and taken seriously. Appropriate action will be taken and those reporting an incident will be kept informed.  

    Any incidents involving complaints about the behaviour of a YTAS staff member will follow the organisation’s internal disciplinary procedure.  

    If you have any feedback on this statement, please contact us at