Update on Membership Support at YTAS

Youth Theatre Arts Scotland has always existed to support our members, and in 2023 we invested further in our support offer with the launch of our Membership Development Programme.   This innovative programme consists of a Membership Support Portal of online resources, and the invaluable opportunity to work one-to-one with a Membership Support Coordinator.   Following a […]

Going for Silver

YTAS are committed to improving the experience for LGBTQIA+ artists, employees, and young people in the youth theatre sector in Scotland, so we’re embarking on the Silver Charter Programme with LGBT Youth Scotland.  

Exciting new additions to our sector training offer

In autumn 2023, YTAS will be back with a new season of training for the Scottish youth theatre sector… and we might be coming to a theatre near you with a brand new two-day training event! Are you ready to get your hub on?

New sector training events launched for Nov-Dec

Just when you thought our training programme for the autumn couldn’t get more exciting, we teased that there was an exciting season finale still to come… Well, now we’ve gone and added part two!