Fri 1 Nov 2024: 6:30PM
Scottish Community Drama Association (SCDA)

Adult Workshops

Venue: Stirling Court Hotel, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA
Prices: £10 members | £15 non-members

Scottish Community Drama Association (SCDA) are extremely happy to announce that they are offering four workshops at their AGM weekend on 1 – 2 November 2024 at the Stirling Court Hotel.

Sound Design with Neal Clark – Fri 1 November, 6.30pm – 9pm

Directing Theatre with Andy McGregor – Fri 1 November 6.30pm – 9pm / Sat 2 November 2.30pm – 5pm

Lighting Design with Neal Clark – Sat 2 November, 2.30pm – 5pm

Acting from Page to Stage with Pete Collins – Fri 1 November, 6.30pm – 9pm / Sat 2 November, 2.30pm – 5pm

The workshops are heavily subsidised by SCDA thanks to a legacy from Dolly Nicol to further the artistic development of SCDA and its members.  This  means that they can offer them at the very reasonable price of £10 for members/£15 for non-members.  Priority will be given to members of SCDA. You can find our more about the tutors and the content of the workshops on their website at

Scottish Community Drama Association logo


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