The next EDI Community of Practice on Tue 27 August 2024 will be addressing how youth workers can best support young people who are neurodiverse. This session will be mix of speakers and interactive discussion groups.
They will be joined by Scottish Autism who will set the scene around neurodiversity, what it means, and what language is most appropriate to use.
Borders Additional Needs Group (BANG) will demonstrate what supportive youth work looks like in reality, sharing some of their practice and insights.
Finally, we will be hearing from Education Scotland on the existing frameworks, such as the Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equality Framework and how you can use this to inform your practice.
There will also be the opportunity to take part in some break-out room discussion groups, where you can share your own experiences and discuss practice with other participants.
For more information, please contact: or book your place on Eventbrite.
Recording your Professional Learning
Participating in this training can be recorded as three hours of Professional Learning time, contributing to the 35 hours per year (pro rata) required for membership of the CLD Standards Council, another professional body, or your own learning and development plan. When recording your professional learning you may want to reflect on your development from this event concerning the relevant CLD Competences and CLD Ethics.