Thu 12 Sep 2024: 10:00AM
Children in Scotland

Embedding Children and Young People’s Voices in Your Organisation

Venue: Online
Prices: Non-Members – £15 | Children in Scotland Members – Free

Understand the rationale and benefits of embedding children and young people’s voices.

Key Learning
After the session the participants will:

  • understand the rationale and benefits of embedding children and young people’s voices
  • have a more in-depth knowledge about different ways to embed children and young people’s participation
  • understand some of the common challenges
  • have a clearer sense of practical things they can implement within their organisation

With the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scottish legislation it is now more important than ever that public services and children’s sector organisations consider how children and young people are involved in shaping their planning and activity.

This session will explore key learning from Children in Scotland’s own work to embed children and young people’s voices across the organisation. It will explore some of the successes we have experienced and highlight some of the common challenges organisations face.

Non-members can access this event for £15; Children in Scotland members use your discount code for your free ticket.

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