Climate Policy Engagement Network are pleased to announce the launch of the Climate Engagement Fund which aims to build understanding of the climate emergency across communities in Scotland.
The Fund aims to build understanding of the climate emergency across communities in Scotland, both geographic and communities of interest, by offering support for climate engagement activities. It is a new way in which you can gain investment for climate engagement activities that have the potential to reach new audiences in an innovative and creative way.
The CEF will fund activities, including, but not limited to, one-off or a series of:
- public events/lectures
- climate festivals
- climate conversations
- learning and development (e.g. carbon/climate training, climate coaching)
- skills workshops
- exhibitions/art installations
- participatory arts
- youth development programmes
- staff costs linked to delivery of the project
The CEF will not fund:
- climate actions (e.g. installing solar panels, a community developing a community garden), although we could fund engagement activity around an action or encouraging this action
- core funding
- capital funding
- political activity
- organisational self-promotion/greenwashing
- national communications campaign (the Scottish Government is already doing this)
Bids can include new activity or uplifts to existing activity (one-off or ongoing).
The total value of the Climate Engagement Fund is £550,000. Bidders can request between £50,000 and £100,000 in total for larger scale engagement projects. Further details on the fund, eligibility criteria and the application form can be link at
For further information, please contact or visit