Sector Review 2020: Results Published

In 2020 we conducted the Youth Theatre in Scotland Sector Review, where we asked you to tell us more about the youth theatre activity you run. 

The Sector Review was for all groups who use drama or performance in their work with young people. We asked questions about groups up to March 2020, including the number of participants and staff they had at that point, as well as age ranges and demographics of the young people they worked with. This was to help us capture the big picture of the sector, and identify the ways we can develop further.

Well, the reviews are in! You responded in droves and the feedback you gave us has already helped to sharpen the focus of our work. The data from the COVID-19 Impact Survey (which focussed on the post-pandemic part of 2020) helped us secure funding to provide grants that would help the sector adapt and thrive. Combined with the Current Use of EDI Data Survey, the responses showed us what we needed to put centre stage in our work. So, thank you for your help in getting us to this point!

We put together some infographics to give you a quick overview of the sector as it stood at the time…

Sector review stats p1 1536x1083 1
Sector review stats p2 1536x1083 1

What next?

Now we invite you to bring your piece and see where it slots into the national puzzle. Join us on Thursday 6 May for Devising the Future: A Sector Revue, where we’ll investigate the findings of the sector review and learn how you can utilise it to shape your future. Find out how the report can invigorate your funding applications, support your communities, and build strong, resilient youth arts organisations.

During the session we will present the key findings of the report. We’ll reflect on how this represents what we know about the sector in Scotland, and devise a way forward together.


Youth Theatre in Scotland: Sector Review 2020
Current use of EDI data
COVID-19 impact survey


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