Understand the various steps of inclusive and diverse recruitment practices in this three-hour training session on Thursday 1 September 2022, 10am-1pm.
Creative & Cultural Skills want to help employers introduce changes by shifting the way we approach recruitment and how we might use different entry routes to help us open our doors to a much wider pool of talent, and in doing so support social mobility.
This session is focused on helping employers understand recruiting for potential and works to cover:
- The difference between diversity and inclusion
- The definition of different work-based entry routes into the sector including Work Experience, Industry Placements, Internships, Apprenticeships, Volunteering and Voluntary Workers
- The basic legalities associated with each and how understanding the legalities can help improve diversity and inclusion
- Making a job description more inclusive and understanding the difference between positive action and positive discrimination
- Introducing a workforce recruitment policy
This session is part of our series of Fair Access Sector Support training which has been tailored specifically for Scotland’s cultural sector, funded by Creative Scotland. It’s designed for anyone that makes decisions regarding recruitment and is accompanied by a Best Practice Recruitment Guide for Creative Leaders.
‘The session usefully removes the naval gazing of many unconscious bias training and instead goes straight to practical and legally sound approaches to change and to committing to diversity and inclusion through actual organisational behaviour’ (Previous training event attendee)
About Creative & Cultural Skills
They are the UK-wide agency working to create a fair, skilled and accessible cultural sector by shaping skills, education and employment best practice. Visit ccskills.org.uk to find out more and follow them on Twitter for the latest news.
This training event has been supported by Creative Scotland and consequently is only available to organisations based in Scotland.