
LGBTQIA+ Toolkit

By Youth Theatre Arts Scotland

Welcome to our LGBTQIA+ Toolkit

If you’ve come here looking for a checklist, or a set of finite rules to tick off, you’re in the wrong place… Instead, these resources are a collection of our favourite starting points, covering a range of common challenges experienced by youth theatre practitioners, ways to harness new creative ideas in your work, and practical ideas to better support LGBTQIA+ people.  

This toolkit will likely always be ‘in draft’, as things are always shifting and changing. We encourage feedback and invite you to share resources with us that you think would benefit the sector.

Ultimately, by supporting LGBTQIA+ folk and celebrating those experimenting with their identities, everyone stands to benefit from a space that is less judgemental and champions uniqueness. Thank you for taking the time to find out more.  

Queer Practitioners Working Group

This page is inspired by and indebted to YTAS’ Queer Practitioners Working Group – a space for queer-identifed practitioners with whom we have explored some of these issues, shared practice, and gossiped about our experiences. 


A note on the term ‘Queer’

Throughout this toolkit and its videos, we often use the term ‘queer’ interchangeably with LGBTQIA+ as a shorthand way to encompass all minority gender and sexual identities. However, each LGBTQIA+ person will have their own relationship with the work ‘queer’ and it’s important to acknowledge that historically this word has been used as an abusive slur towards this community. We use it here and throughout as a celebration and reclamation.  

LGBT Youth Scotland Charter 

YTAS is working towards a Silver Award in LGBT Youth Scotland’s Charter programme. This is a straightforward programme that enables organisations or schools to proactively include LGBTQIA+ people in every aspect of their work, protecting staff and providing a high-quality service to users. To find out how your youth theatre can begin its own Charter journey, be sure to reach out to LGBT Youth Scotland.


We asked our Practitioners’ Working Group to toolbox four of the most likely challenges for practitioners around LGBTQIA+ issues in youth theatre settlings, alongside some helpful tips on how to approach common scenarios.
Our collective of LGBTOIA+ practitioners have compiled this manifesto to help Scotland’s youth theatre sector create an environment for young LGBTQIA+ people to thrive and have the strength to challenge the world outside of our workshops.
A six-video workshop series by Drew Taylor-Wilson designed for artists and practitioners working in youth theatre settings who are looking for inspiration in their creative practice.  
pronoun badges
What are personal pronouns and why do they matter? is a one-stop-shop for why explanations on we share pronouns, in an easy-to-share format that articulates why it’s so important that we get it right.
The language of identity is constantly changing, and when the LGBTQIA+ umbrella encompasses so much, it’s important that we do our best to stay informed. This resource from LGBT Youth Scotland is an accessible and comprehensive list of terminology.
LGBT Youth Scotland’s Life in Scotland report 2022 demonstrates that there has been a decline in young people feeling happy as an LGBTQIA+ person living in Scotland over the course of a decade. Young Minds’ resources are a great place to start when thinking about mental wellbeing and LGBTQIA+ identities.
Stonewall Young Futures is a helpful place to point slightly older LGBTQIA+ young people towards when they are ready to take the first steps towards adult life.  
Explore all of the Allsorts Youth Project’s downloadable booklets for further details on how gender and sexuality intersect with other identities and cultures.
A practical guide about supporting trans young people in formal education and community settings, with bullet point options that we think are helpful to consider in any youth theatre setting.
This resource is specifically about supporting trans or gender diverse identities on residential trips, including discussions about toilets, showers, and sleeping arrangements. 
This guide from Stonewall Scotland is a comprehensive resource for organisations in Scotland to support trans positive approaches to gathering equality data. It helps to explain why it is important, how to collect it, and what to do with it afterwards.
The ‘Out’ podcast includes interviews with a wide range of LGBTQIA+ people, and stories allies and LGBTQIA+ listeners send in. It’s a great place for anybody looking for connections to the LGBTQIA+ community. 
Some printable resources for you to use to help make your spaces inclusive to LGBTQIA+ identities.


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