Welcome to our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit. If you’ve found yourself here, it is likely that you’re thinking about how to embed these principles into your work to help make the world a fairer, more inclusive space.
This is not a checklist, nor a finite set of rules to tick off.
This toolkit will likely always be in ‘draft’ form as things are always shifting and changing. But we encourage feedback, so please share resources with us that you think would benefit the sector.
So, how do we define Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?
You may sometimes hear it referred to as EDI.
Equality is about opportunity, and ensuring that participants are treated fairly and not discriminated against because of personal circumstances.
Diversity is about recognising and valuing difference and reflecting a variety of cultures, experiences and voices in the work we make.
Inclusion is about the removal of barriers to participation, both within and outwith the rehearsal room.
Together, these separate but very much intertwined elements work together to create a safer, happier and more empowering space to create rich and interesting creative work that has the capacity to change the world, one community at a time.
Why is EDI important?
Participation in community and cultural activities is not an activity reserved for a privileged few, it’s a fundamental human right. The UN agrees. In fact, it’s even stated in Article 27 of the Declaration of Human Rights that…
“Everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits”.
Young people are more socially and politically aware than ever before. This is evident in their involvement in activism and their voting numbers. We need to encourage and harness this passion, and the youth theatre sector has an exciting role to play in this. So many participants acknowledge that their youth theatre is a safe space where they feel able to express themselves freely. We have a great opportunity to use this safe space to dismantle prejudice and acknowledge and create space for the increasingly diverse society that Scotland is becoming.
As a starting point, we invite you to use our EDI Reflection Questions sheets below. Consider where you are right now, and what might be some avenues to explore in the future. We’ve included some resources to offer some food for thought or support you in developing your policies and practice, and if you’re interested, we’re also happy to share our own EDI Policy and EDI Action Plan.